Whsmith Post Box

WH Smith PLC is a leading global retailer for news, books and convenience, and is made up of two core business – Travel and High Street. At the heart of both our businesses are our people and our customers. You’ll find the Post Office Liverpool ONE branch upstairs at WHSmith, on the lower level of South John Street along with a host of major high street brands. This city centre branch of the Post Office offers a fast ‘Drop & Go’ mail drop service, perfect for those in a rush. Visit the Post Office at the heart of Liverpool ONE for a huge range of essential services, from travel money to parcel services. You’ll find the Post Office Liverpool ONE branch upstairs at WHSmith, on the lower level of South John Street along with a host of major high street brands.

WHSmith & Post Office

Unit 6 - 10

Whsmith Post Box Sizes

WH Smith, known colloquially as Smith’s, is best known for its chain of high street, railway station, airport, hospital and motorway service station shops selling books, stationery, magazines, newspapers and entertainment products.

Post Office services are also provided at WHSmith

WHSmith Telephone:01985 846757

WHSmith Website:www.whsmith.co.uk

Post Office

Post Office opening hours:

Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm; Saturday 9am - 12.30pm; Sunday 9am - 1pm

Telephone: 01985 846749

Whsmith post box 7Box

Opening Times

Monday - Friday
8am - 5.30pm

Whsmith Post Office

8am - 5.30pm

Whsmith Post Box Size 1

9am - 4pm