Markdown To Do List

To-Do List Templates

Vue-powered Static Site Generator. TO Do List Component from To do list task managers and full productivity software is essential to a freelancers business. The style of design your looking for in a to do list app will differ based on the size of your small.

To-Do List Templates are designed to help you keep track of all your tasks: work projects, school assignments, but also grocery lists and daily chores around the house.

The To-Do List Templates in Excel are perfect if you want to customize the templates further. With them, you can also easily carry out various formulas meant to help you track the priority level and progress status of your tasks, as well as the number of tasks you've managed to complete thus far.

  • If you're looking for free printable To-Do List Templates, download these templates in PDF format, and then print them out.
  • If you're working together with a partner or a team at work, make a copy of the Google Docs files - they're perfect for real-time collaboration and automatic syncing.
  • If you wish to tackle your to-dos offline, download the Word files.

Free Simple To-Do List Templates

01 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

Pocket To-Do List

What's it about?

This is the simplest type of Task List Templates out there. You can easily print it out and put it in your pocket. As you finish each item in your list, you can put a checkmark next to it, or cross it out with a pen.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for grocery shopping, or running other errands. Also, great when you have several priority tasks at work you really want to focus on.

Download:Word • PDF • Google Docs

02 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

To-Do List with Deadlines

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your tasks
  • Add a deadline for each task
  • Mark the progress status of the task you're currently working on ('In Progress', 'Done', or 'Discarded')
  • Indicate whether the task was finished before the deadline (YES/NO)

The Excel and Google Sheets Templates allow you to track how many 'In Progress', 'Done', and 'Discarded' tasks you currently have. In addition, you can also track how many tasks you managed to finish before the deadline.

Best for what and who?

Great for working people who have a lot of tasks to tackle - and who have a strict deadline for each task. The progress status option is perfect for people who like to know how well they are progressing with their tasks at any moment.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

03 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

'To'... List

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add people you need to email or call
  • Add projects you need to finish and emails or documents you need to send
  • Add other specific tasks you need to do (such as proofread various documents)

This template encourages you to add these tasks in separate columns, to better keep track of them.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to separate, group, and organize different types of tasks they have to perform.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

04 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

To-Do List with Progress Status

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your tasks
  • Track the progress status of each task

The Excel and Google Sheets Templates allow you to track how many 'In Progress', 'Done', and 'Discarded' tasks you currently have.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can mark the status of a project if you double click on the bullet point next to 'In Progress', 'Done', or 'Discarded'.

Then, right-click on it, and mark it as current.

Best for what and who?

The progress status option is perfect for people who like to focus on how well they are progressing with their tasks at any moment - and how much they still have left to do on each task.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

05 • Free Simple To-Do List Templates

To-Do List with a Checklist

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your tasks
  • Checkmark each task when you're done with it

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many tasks you've check-marked thus far.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to keep track of how many tasks they've managed to finish thus far - and how many they have yet to tackle.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Free Periodical To-Do List Templates

06 • Free Periodical To-Do List Templates

Daily and Weekly To-Do List Template

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your priority tasks for each day of the week
  • Checkmark each task when you're done with it

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many tasks you've checkmarked for each day, but also, in total for the whole week.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who need to plan and organize different, possibly related, tasks across the entire week. Alternatively, you can print out the template and cut out the to-do list for each day as you need it.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

07 • Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

Multi-Step Task List Template

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your priority tasks
  • Add up to 5 steps for each task
  • Mark each task and its steps (sub-tasks) as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many steps you've completed for each task - you can also track whether you've fully completed a task or not.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to parse their tasks into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

08 • Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

Master To-Do List

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add up to 100 tasks
  • Mark each task as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many tasks you've completed in total.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who like to keep all of their to-do tasks in one giant list. You can use this template as your sole To-Do List, or use it to simply brainstorm your tasks before you schedule them in more specific To-Do List Templates.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

09 • Free Advanced To-Do List Templates

Get Things Done To-Do List

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Write and organize your daily schedule in 1-hour time blocks
  • Add and keep track of your top 5 priority tasks
  • Add and keep track of your daily exercise routine
  • Plan your daily menu (breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner)

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who like to use the Get Things Done time management technique - you can plan, schedule, and keep track of the progress you're making with your entire day, not just your work tasks.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Free Business To-Do List Templates

10 • Free Business To-Do List Templates

Business Trip To-Do Checklist

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Go through a pre-made list of business trip essentials to help you better plan your business travels
  • Mark each item as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many business trip tasks you've completed in total.

Markdown To Do List

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who often travel for business, but have a tendency to forget their passport at home.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Free To-Do List Templates for Students

11 • Free To-Do List Templates for Students

Homework To-Do List

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your school assignments (grouped by subject)
  • Mark the status of your assignments ('Incomplete', 'In Progress', 'Complete')
  • Mark the level of priority of your assignments ('Low', 'Medium', 'High')
  • Add due dates for assignments

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many homework assignments are 'Incomplete', 'In Progress', and 'Complete'.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete. You can also indicate the progress status and priority level of an assignment in the same way.

Best for what and who?

Great to help students organize and track their homework assignments.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

12 • Free To-Do List Templates for Students

Free Advanced Student Planner Template

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add weekly tasks for each subject
  • Mark them as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many assignments you've completed thus far.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for planning a whole week's worth of homework assignments and study time.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Free Project and Team To-Do List Templates

13 • Free Project and Team To-Do List Templates

Action Time To-Do List

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add your tasks
  • Mark the priority levels for each task
  • Add assignee for each task
  • Add the date when the task was assigned
  • Add the due date for task completion
  • Mark the progress status of each task

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many assignments you've completed thus far. You can also track how many of your tasks are 'Low', 'Medium', or 'High' in priority level.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete. You can also use this technique to indicate the progress status and priority level of each task.

Best for what and who?

Great for teams who want to handle all of their tasks in one to-do list - all while keeping an eye on task priority, deadlines, and progress status.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

14 • Free Project and Team To-Do List Templates

Project Task To-Do List

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Define projects and tasks you're working on
  • Assign people to tasks
  • Define the priority levels of your tasks
  • Keep track of the progress status of your tasks
  • Mark tasks as done when completed

In addition, you can also define the budget for your tasks, as well as the estimated time you think you'll spend on tasks and the actual hours you tracked on the said tasks in reality.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete or currently valid.

Best for what and who?

Great for teams who have multiple projects and tasks of various priority levels they have to work on - and who wish to track their start dates, deadlines, progress status, task budget, as well as the estimated and the actual hours spent on tasks. And all that in one sheet.

Markdown List Indent

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Free Prioritized To-Do List Templates

15 • Free Prioritized To-Do List Templates

Top 5 Tasks List

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Add and focus only on 5 top priority tasks per day
  • Mark each as done when complete

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to focus only on a couple of priority tasks per day.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

16 • Free Prioritized To-Do List Printable Templates

Priority To-Do List (with goal dates)

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Define your top 3 priority tasks you want to focus on
  • Add up to 10 secondary tasks you wish to work on when you're done deadline with priority tasks
  • Order tasks based on their goal dates - closest goal dates goes on top
  • Mark all done when complete

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to focus on their priority tasks, without losing sight of their less important, but likely still vital secondary tasks.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

17• Free Prioritized To-Do List Printable Templates

Priority 2-Day To-Do List (with goal dates)

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template you can fill out in a similar fashion to the 'Priority To-Do List Template (with goal dates)' - So, you can add your top 3 priority tasks, up to 10 secondary tasks, order them by goal dates, and mark all as complete when done.

The difference is that you can track your tasks and their goal dates for today, and then plan and organize them in advance for tomorrow.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to keep track of their priority and secondary tasks and then schedule other related tasks for tomorrow.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

18 • Free Prioritized To-Do List Printable Templates

Priority 3-Day To-Do List (with goal dates)

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template you can fill out in a similar fashion to the 'Priority To-Do List Template (with goal dates)' and 'Priority 2-Day To-Do List Template (with goal dates)' - So, you can add your top 3 priority tasks, up to 10 secondary tasks, order them by goal dates, and mark all as complete when done.

The difference is that you can track your tasks and their goal dates for today, and then plan and organize them two days in advance.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to keep track of their priority and secondary tasks and then schedule related tasks two days in advance.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Free Personal To-Do List Templates

19 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Family To-Do List Template

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template where you can:

  • Define tasks each family member has to complete
  • Define tasks anyone or everyone from the family can complete
  • Mark all as done when complete

Family members can also indicate whether they have finished all of their tasks, in one click.

If you're using the template in Excel or Google Sheets, each family member can indicate whether they have finished their assigned tasks.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for families who are planning a family event or aiming to divide and conquer house chores, all while tracking everyone's progress in one To-Do template.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

20 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Decluttering To-Do Checklist

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template you can:

  • Go through a pre-made list of house tasks meant to help you declutter your home (throw away old magazines and newspapers, put dirty laundry in the hamper, etc.)
  • Pick areas you want to declutter (your Bedroom, Living Room, Bathroom, etc.)
  • Mark each item as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many decluttering tasks you've completed per area, and in total.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who want to declutter their homes from time to time.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

21 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Daily Chores To-Do Checklist

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List Template you can:

  • Checkmark a pre-made list of items representing daily house chores
  • Mark each item as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many daily chores you've completed that day.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people who have trouble building up the patience to perform the same set of daily chores, day, after day, after day.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

22 • Free Personal To-Do List Templates

Weekly Cleaning To-Do Checklist

What's it about?

This is a To-Do List template where you can:

  • Checkmark a pre-made list of items representing your weekly cleaning chores, grouped by house room
  • Mark each task as complete when done

The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many weekly cleaning chores you've completed that week.

If you choose to use this To-Do List Template in Word or Google Docs, you can double click the bullet point next to an item, right-click on it, and mark it as complete.

Best for what and who?

Great for people worried they'll fall behind with their weekly cleaning around the house.

Download:Word • Excel • PDF • Google Docs • Google Sheets

Feature #20497

Status:NewStart date:
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:Text formatting
Target version:Candidate for next major release


As discussed in #15520#note-16 currently HTML is disabled. This brings several important issues which need to be addressed:

  • Markdown without HTML is not any more Markdown, but rather a very limited flavour
  • because it's a flavour, it needs to be named differently (according to John Gruber)
  • users of CKEditor (or similar) can't easily migrate
  • Redmine is very often deployed on non-public networks and thus using HTML is quite safe

The easiest solution would be to introduce 2 formatting options instead of one:

1. 'Markdown (with HTML)'
1. 'Markdown (without HTML)'

Also, there would need to be two different markup manuals (a modern variant based on side-by-side live preview as on might be worth looking at and possibly copying from - it's MIT licensed).

0001-adds-an-additional-Markdown-format-that-allows-user-.patch - patch that adds a Markdown (with HTML) formatter (14.4 KB)

Related issues


#1 Updated by Go MAEDAover 5 years ago

  • Related toDefect #807: HTML not escaped in ticket descriptions added

#2 Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#3 Updated by @ go2nullover 5 years ago

Useful background discussion here #15520Markdown formatting, including links to the following source for Textile and Markdown.

#4 Updated by Go MAEDAover 5 years ago

  • Related toFeature #15520: Markdown formatting added

#5 Updated by Go MAEDAover 5 years ago

Markdown To Do List

#6 Updated by Go MAEDAover 5 years ago

  • Priority changed from High to Normal

#7 Updated by @ go2nullover 5 years ago

Here is StackOverflow's disclaimer:

Inline HTML

If you need to do something that Markdown can't handle, use HTML. Note that we only support a very strict subset of HTML!

Markdown is smart enough not to mangle your span-level HTML:

Block-level HTML elements have a few restrictions:
  1. They must be separated from surrounding text by blank lines.
  2. The begin and end tags of the outermost block element must not be indented.
  3. Markdown can't be used within HTML blocks.

And here are the allowed HTML tags:

#8 Updated by James Hover 5 years ago

i run our redmine on a non-public network and would like to use this feature, but for our use case, we would need to be able to specify which projects would have this enabled or disabled. Most of our users are not 'power' users (do not know html) and so only a limited number of projects would get this setting enabled.

It would also be great if it could be even more customize-able than that (by trackers, by users, etc.).

#9 Updated by JW Fuchsalmost 5 years ago

#10 Updated by Ben Blancoalmost 5 years ago

I concur that Markdown without HTML is a flavoured(down) version of Markdown. also rely on redcarpet gem, but they first sanitize the raw input before passing it onto redcarpet, see (code is under Github's 'BSD-like?' license).

The sanitization is done by html-pipeline which is available as a gem, (its code is under MIT license).

By doing so they allow fair set of HTML tags:

Note: code excerpt from html-pipeline's sanitization_filter.rb at line 44.

Does anyone on this thread, or devs at, think that it could be an option to implement the same process for redmine? And/or even re-use Github's code?

Last, #20497#note-8 made me think - though maybe not a good idea (that's why I ask) - if redmine's permissions model could be used to handle who has the right to input HTML tags in Wiki/Issue markdown.. Not sure if it would be better/more flexible than allowing HTML input on a per-project-basis...or have both options?

In all cases, being able to use HTML in redmine w/ markdown (in my case first and foremost for building better <tables> than Markdown's syntax allows for) would be awesome!

Thx :)

#11 Updated by Anonymous almost 5 years ago

Markdown Bold

Ben Blanco wrote:

In all cases, being able to use HTML in redmine w/ markdown (in my case first and foremost for building better <tables> markdown's syntax allows for) would be awesome!

Thx :)

That is exactly the same reason I like to allow markup in my Markdown input.. I disabled the filter_html rule in the core formatting rules for my privately hosted Redmine instance to allow that, so that's sorted it out for me. I like the idea of making this behaviour configurable, I believe I may have suggested the same thing in some of the other Markdown-related tickets too.

Just keep in mind, as per mc0e's reply to my question on this matter, if you're running a public facing Redmine server you will have some security concerns to consider. For LAN or WAN only servers (like in my case) this isn't really a problem.

#12 Updated by Adrien Crivellialmost 5 years ago

HTML in markdown is also required to solve the cases of two consecutive lists, or a list followed by code block as described in details in pandoc manual. Basically we use HTML comment (<!-- -->) to mark the end of a list when necessary. This is also explained here, where it's stated that all Markdown libs behave the same and that there is no other solution than using HTML comment.

So at the very least a subset of HTML really seems to be a necessity. Tables and comments being the obvious one.

#13 Updated by Dan Hiabout 2 years ago

This has been mentioned in others issues pointing at this one, but my #1 reason for wanting HTML would currently be the resizing of images or using thumbnails. Coming from JIRA where thumbnails are quite easy.

See here

'With certain Markdown implementations (including Mou and Marked 2 (only macOS)) you can append =WIDTHxHEIGHT after the URL of the graphic file to resize the image. Do not forget the space before the =.'

The lack of this sent me towards the html option, which honestly is part of true markdown. I'm not sure why it's so hard to rename markdown in redmine to 'redmine markdown'--that's a bare minimum of what should be done here. I'm not interested in hacking the rbs to allow HTML, only to lose it after an update.

If not HTML, then image resizing. And in either case, call it 'redmine markdown' to avoid confusion about what it supports.

Markdown Ordered Lists

#14 Updated by Bernhard Rohloffabout 2 years ago

Some time ago I've made a plugin to add a macro for that purpose as proposed in RE: how to allow html tag in redmine wiki. The syntax is quite easy and there's no need for an extra setting. I can attach it here on Monday if there's demand for it.

#15 Updated by Jens Krämerover 1 year ago

  • File0001-adds-an-additional-Markdown-format-that-allows-user-.patch added

Here's a patch that adds a second Markdown (with HTML) formatter which allows HTML input like tables etc and sanitizes the resulting HTML using Rails' HTML sanitization tools to prevent XSS etc. I have no idea how well that would work for handling CKEditor content, ymmv.

That's more or less just a proof of concept - I dont think that having two Markdown flavors is really a good idea. Ultimately, I don't see a problem with generally allowing HTML for the standard Redmine Markdown formatting as long as the output is sanitized properly. One might think about using the sanitize gem like Github does instead of Rails' Loofah based sanitizer as it allows for more granular definition of rules and is potentially safer / better due to the different HTML/CSS parsers used. Also, Rails' sanitize strips HTML comments which makes this patch useless if you want to support the HTML comment based list separation technique mentioned above :) However adding <p></p> between two lists serves the same purpose (and even works with Redmine's stock Markdown formatter).

I like the html-pipeline approach a lot, but introducing that to Redmine core would imo only make sense as part of a bigger refactoring / modularization of the whole textile/markdown rendering.

#16 Updated by Go MAEDAover 1 year ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next major release

#17 Updated by Jan from Planio www.plan.ioover 1 year ago

Markdown To Do List Example

  • Related toPatch #32424: CommonMark Markdown Text Formatting added

Markdown To Do List Software

Also available in: AtomPDF