Evernote 7

So, what is Evernote? It’s a note-taking app designed to collect and organize text, pictures, videos, and audio recordings.

These notes are then backed up to the cloud. This allows the user access to their notes from any platform.

The new Evernote for Android will be made available for Android versions 6, 7, 8 and 9 in a future update.-'Use Evernote as the place you put everything Don’t ask yourself which device it’s on—it’s in Evernote' – The New York Times “When it comes to taking all manner of notes and getting work done, Evernote is an indispensable. Evernote connects with the productivity tools you already use, so you can work your way. Learn more → Document scanning. Back up important documents to all your devices, and keep the information—not the clutter. Learn more → Web Clipper. Save web pages (without the ads) and mark them up with arrows, highlights, and text to. Jan 9, 2018 7 min read. Big goals are scary. They’re intimidating. They stare you down. They swim in a sea, where glimpses of ideas and flickers of dreams float in the.

But why do people use it? How do people use it best? And is it best for your purposes?

What is Evernote?

Evernote Windows 7 (Ultimate) $119.99 Upgrade to the most powerful edition of the latest version of Windows. Evernote gives you the tools you need to keep your work effortlessly organized:. Write, collect and capture ideas as searchable notes, notebooks, checklists and to-do lists. Take notes in a variety of formats, including: text, sketches, photos, audio, video, PDFs, web clippings and more. Use camera capture to easily scan and comment on pieces of paper, including printed documents, business cards.

No two workflows are alike, but Evernote could help keep you productive and organized.

First, Evernote is relatively easy to use. There are tutorials everywhere because of its popularity and wide user base. With a shallow learning curve, you won’t have to take much time to understand the app.

Evernote organizes your notes into Notebooks, which are essentially file folders.

The notes themselves are text files with a standard blog-style GUI for formatting text, inserting images, or putting in basic code blocks.

The two most useful features are note tags and the Evernote Web Clipper browser extension.

Note tags work like the tags in a blog post or like a hashtag. This gives you a second method for organizing notes. The tags are useful for searching through notes and categorizing them for later use. All notes tagged with “biology” or “research,” for example, can be found and searched through, no matter what Notebooks they might be in.

Now let’s get into the Web Clipper, one of Evernote’s most useful features.

What is Evernote Web Clipper?

Evernote Web Clipper is a browser extension that copies web content directly to your Notebooks. It’s hard to imagine using Evernote without Web Clipper.

Once installed, Clipper lets you grab images, text, and even whole web pages. These can be sorted into whatever Notebook you choose. You can also add tags when you clip.

Evernote 7

Why would you do this? How is it useful? Well, for one, you can grab simplified versions of web pages and send them to your notes. If the web page is one you need to look at frequently for research, it’ll save you time. It’s also useful if you need to access the info on that web page while you’re offline or traveling.

If the website in question is littered with annoying ads and pictures, the Web Clipper can strip them out.

Being more productive with Evernote

Anyone who needs to save a lot of information, access it anywhere, and organize it for reference would find Evernote to be handy.

Students can organize their classes into Notebooks. Ideally, they’d store all of their class notes there, accessible from their laptop or their phone. They could use the tagging system for easier studying later on. If you learn a test is on three specific topics, you can sort your notes by those topics by searching the tags. And since the notes are stored to the cloud, you won’t lose them. And depending on the price tier you choose, you could share them easily with other classmates.

Evernote 7.11

Teachers could get similar use out of Evernote by sorting their lectures by topic. Teachers could also open up a Notebook for each student or each class. Then, all personal notes on the class or individual could go in the Notebook. Professional development could also have its own Notebook. That way, all of the lectures or classes you attend could be saved and sorted later. Those training notes could then be shared with colleagues.

Writers of all stripes are perhaps the most obvious audience for Evernote. Research gets a Notebook. Article, blog, or book ideas get a Notebook. Timelines, characters, persons of interest, word-building all get a Notebook. And the mobile nature means Evernote is always close at hand. Get an idea, jot it down, save it to the cloud.

Lastly, though it requires some extra work, Evernote can be synced with your calendar. This could help your productivity by tying your notes or reminders together with actual dates. You can also set it up so that your calendar events all go into a Notebook automatically, allowing you to take notes on the meetings during or after the fact.

Those are just a few use cases you might want to consider. Before you do, let’s take a look at the pricing structure.

What is Evernote’s price and what do you get?

Before you spend a dime on Evernote, consider checking out the free version, which is serviceable and allows syncing between two different devices.

If your needs are more complicated, should you pay money for Evernote? Is it worth it? Let’s take a look.

The pricing plan is relatively simple to break down.

What comes in the free version of Evernote?

The free version comes with cloud syncing between two devices. One mobile sync to a phone, one sync to a work or home computer. Simple and easy, and it has all of the full note-taking features described above.

The limits on storage and uploads are pretty small. You can upload 60MB of data a month, with a 25MB maximum size for each note. This isn’t a ton of bandwidth, but for more text and simplified website clips it’s sufficient. PDFs and image-heavy notes, which use more data, will run into this per-month cap and even the individual note cap.

Also, your notes can only be made available offline on desktop or laptop. For travelers or those with spotty connections, this might not work.

Features of Evernote Premium

The Premium version of Evernote runs $7.99 a month and adds a few more features.


The note-taking features are the same as the free version. Other features are expanded.

First, the upload limit increases: 60MB a month for the free version becomes 10GB for Premium. Note size jumps from 25MB to 200MB.

Probably one of the most useful added features is app integration. So if you want to combine your Evernote with Slack or Google Drive, Premium will allow you to do it.

The Premium edition lets you scan documents or business cards and forward emails directly to Evernote. You can also make notes and search through the PDFs you add. Sharing options are more robust, and you can make presentations out of your notes.

Premium Evernote also comes with AI suggestions that relate to your notes. This AI takes the content of your notes and suggests possible web pages that seem relevant. The suggestions aren’t always useful because the AI isn’t terribly robust. The signal-to-noise ratio of useful web page suggestions to unrelated links largely isn’t worth it for this feature alone. You could end up spending more time ignoring the AI’s nonrelevant suggestions than taking them.

So, is Premium a good buy? If you’re uploading a lot of very large notes, maybe. If you need to pull files from Google Drive into Evernote, possibly. If PDFs take up a large portion of your notes, and you need them searchable and annotated, probably.

It also may be worth it for offline access on both desktop and mobile platforms.

Features of the Evernote Business version

Evernote Business has all of the features noted above, plus team collaboration and team administration features.

The pricing is a little bit annoying because you need to have at least two users. And the $14.99-a-month price tag is per user. So if you’re just looking to expand your account with business features and more bandwidth, you’re out of luck.

The team and sharing features are what you’d expect. Anyone on the team can share and collaborate on notes. Permissions are assigned by the creator of the note. An assigned admin has greater control and access to notes, Notebooks, and sharing permissions.

The monthly upload starts at a flat 20GB overall, plus 2GB per user.

Is it worth it? Probably not, but to answer that question, we have to look at the alternatives on the market.

What is Evernote’s competition?

Of course, Evernote isn’t the only note-taking app on the market. There are plenty of Evernote alternatives that do the job better, depending on the features you prioritize.

Let’s take a look at some of the alternatives to Evernote.


Bear is a popular note-taking app but is available only for Apple devices. There may be a web version in the pipeline, but that’s not something we can judge at the moment. But if you’re taking notes on your iPhone, Mac, or iPad, Bear is a solid choice.

It’s free unless you’re syncing between devices. Then you’ll have to choose to pay $15 every year for the privilege. Still, if you do math, that’s cheaper than Evernote’s Premium addition.

You can tag notes in Bear with keywords, just like in Evernote. Bear uses a hashtag system instead of a separate tag field, so it’s a little faster. The text notes and Markdown compatibility are comparable to Evernote and its Codeblock functions. It doesn’t have Evernote’s sharing or team collaboration tools; it’s designed for one user.

We’d recommend Bear for single users who just need to take notes. It’s elegantly designed and fast, suffering from none of Evernote’s general feature-bloat problem.

If you have simple needs and are already invested in Apple architecture, Bear is a solid alternative.


Microsoft’s note-taking software is a relatively new offering and is part of Microsoft’s Office suite.

OneNote can be accessed via browser or through the desktop or mobile app. It’s more free-form than Evernote and might appeal to note-takers who enjoy less structure. The notes are organized into notebooks, like Evernote. The notes are backed up to your OneDrive instead of a separate account, like Evernote. The similarities end there.

Instead of traditional pages, each individual OneNote scrolls sideways or down infinitely. Think of it like a digital reel of butcher paper. You can throw images into it alongside the text, with each block of text independent from the others. You can also draw over or around your notes.

OneNote works fine as a text note-taker but shines as a loose brainstorming tool.

However, OneNote isn’t free. It comes packaged with the other Office products in Office 365. Microsoft has a complicated pricing schema, with ongoing or subscription prices. The price also changes based on the home or business versions, but you’ll pay anywhere from $8 a month to $12.50 a month, depending.

Google Keep

Google Keep is a free note-taking software that comes with your Google account.

Keep has an interesting format: when you log in to Keep, you’re given a kind of digital corkboard. Your notes will appear as small boxes on the corkboard and can be arranged as necessary. You can also pin certain notes that you use frequently. They’ll show up at the top of the screen.

You can change the color of the notes, add labels, or add reminders right from this corkboard. You can also add drawings or images with a click of an icon.

Sharing is also pretty easy. You can add a collaborator to any individual note—it sends them an email invite.

It isn’t the most robust note-taker, but it is free and has a solid visual presentation. It’s also mobile-friendly.


Our only real caveat here is to be aware that Google has a track record for abandoning software. This may be relevant only if you’re thinking of adopting Google Keep for a large company or for mission-critical notes. If Google Keep is for your personal use, it’s probably not a big deal.

Is Evernote the best fit for you?

What is Evernote’s defining, most persuasive feature? That depends on what you’re trying to accomplish and how you take notes. Do you want to share your notes with team members?

And, lastly, consider your budget.

If you want to spend as little money as possible (ideally, nothing), Google Keep and Evernote’s free versions are solid choices. Evernote has more features but is bloated. Google Keep is faster but also simpler.

If sharing your notes is more important, Evernote Premium and Bear have robust collaboration options.

If you’re a visual person who enjoys more physical-looking notes, Google Keep and OneNote fit the bill.

As you can see, Evernote isn’t the only game in town. It’s not even the best game in town. But it is pretty versatile and well-supported, and it works fine for many people.

Check out our full review of Evernote for a more detailed breakdown of what Evernote does best and where it needs work.

Updated: March 1, 2021 Home » Freeware and Software Reviews

Which is the best Note Taking App for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac and Linux? Evernote is perhaps the most popular note taking software, Google Keep and Microsoft OneNote are both equally good. However, if you are looking for something simpler, something with clean user interface, something that doesn’t store all your data on the cloud, here are some of the best open source and free note taking software for your desktop computer.

Related 2021 Article ➤ 2 Free Fonts For Effective Study Notes And Save Printer Ink

Some of these software do not sync with your tablet or smartphones’s app or they lack an app for smartphones. Which is alright with me, since I dislike bringing ‘My Work’ with me everywhere. Works great on Android 8.0 Oreo / Android 9.0 [ Popsicle, Pancakes or Pie ] smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy, Huawei Mate, Oppo, Vivo, XiaoMi, Nokia, and also Apple’s iOS iPhone. Here are 9 Evernote alternatives, download now.

↓ 01 – Simplenote | Free | Windows | macOS | Linux | Android | iOS

The simplest way to keep notes. Light, clean, and free. Simplenote is now available for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, and the web. What makes Simplenote great?

  • Use it everywhere – Your notes stay updated across all your devices. No buttons to press. It just works.
  • Stay organized – Find notes quickly with instant searching and simple tags.
  • Work together – Share a list, post some instructions, or publish your thoughts.
  • Go back in time – Your notes are backed up when you change them. Just drag the version slider to go back in time.
  • Instantly search – Type what you’re looking for, and your list updates instantly. You’ll never misplace an important thought again.
  • It’s free – Backups, syncing, sharing — it’s all completely free.

↓ 02 – Zim | Open Source | Windows | Linux

Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a nonexistent page. All data is stored in plain text files with wiki formatting. Various plugins provide additional functionality, like a task list manager, an equation editor, a tray icon, and support for version control.

  • Keep an archive of notes
  • Take notes during meetings or lectures
  • Organize task lists
  • Draft blog entries and emails
  • Do brainstorming

↓ 03 – Turtl | Open Source | Windows | macOS | Linux

Turtl lets you take notes, bookmark websites, and store documents for sensitive projects. From sharing passwords with your coworkers to tracking research on an article you’re writing, Turtl keeps it all safe from everyone but you and those you share with.

  • Turtl stores your info encrypted, unlike Evernote. Much more private.
  • You can easily share boards of bookmarks & notes you can synch files & images it’s cross platform & free

↓ 04 – NixNote | Open Source | Windows | macOS | Linux | iOS

Made in China, it is probably the most complete open source, self-hosted or paid-for Evernote alternative in terms of functionality. Sadly, the English instructions aren’t easy to find or that clear. But it works phenomenally well as an Evernote alternative. Basically, it comes with 30 days free trial and when the trial expires, you still can use the app but with limited functions.

↓ 05 – QOwnNotes | Open Source | Windows | macOS | Linux

QOwnNotes is the open source (GPL) plain-text file notepad with markdown support and todo list manager for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows by Patrizio Bekerle, that (optionally) works together with the notes application of ownCloud (or Nextcloud).

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  • You own your own notes! All notes are stored as plain-text files on your desktop computer.
  • Sync them over devices (desktop & mobile) with your ownCloud or Nextcloud sync client.
  • Use ownCloud Notes to edit your notes in the web.

↓ 06 – Joplin | Open Source | Windows | macOS | Linux

Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format.

Notes exported from Evernote via .enex files can be imported into Joplin, including the formatted content (which is converted to Markdown), resources (images, attachments, etc.) and complete metadata (geolocation, updated time, created time, etc.). Plain Markdown files can also be imported.

The notes can be synchronised with various cloud services including Nextcloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, WebDAV or the file system (for example with a network directory). When synchronising the notes, notebooks, tags and other metadata are saved to plain text files which can be easily inspected, backed up and moved around.

↓ 07 – Microsoft OneNote | Free | Windows | macOS

Get organized in notebooks you can divide into sections and pages. With easy navigation and search, you’ll always find your notes right where you left them. Revise your notes with type, highlighting, or ink annotations. With OneNote across all your devices, you’ll never miss a flash of inspiration. Great minds don’t always think alike, but they can share ideas and create together in OneNote. Teachers can use OneNote to organize lesson plans in searchable digital notebooks, and staff can create a sharable content library. Encourage students to handwrite notes and sketch diagrams.

↓ 08 – Standard Notes | Free | Windows | macOS | Linux | Android | iOS

Standard Notes is a safe place for your notes, thoughts, and life’s work. A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app. Your notes are encrypted and secured so only you can decrypt them. No one but you can read your notes (not even us).

Standard Notes is free to use on every platform, and comes standard with cross-platform sync and end-to-end privacy. For those wanting a little more power and flexibility, we created Extended, which unlocks powerful editors, themes, and automated backups.

↓ 09 – Laverna | Open Source | Windows | macOS | Linux

Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote. The editor can be switched to distraction free mode where you can focus solely on writing notes. You can make your notes available only to you by enabling encryption. Make your notes available on any device with your Dropbox & RemoteStorage account.

  • Tasks – Keep simple to do lists organized in notes and notebooks.
  • Keybindings – You can manage your notes without ever lifting your hands from your keyboard.
  • Code highlighting – Keep snippets of code to have access to them anytime and anywhere.
  • No registration – Do you prefer to stay anonymous? You do not need to go through registration process to start using Laverna.
  • Import & Export – You can export your notes from Laverna and import them back anytime. You are not tied to using it forever.

↓ 10 – TakeNote | Web Based | Data Stored Locally

TakeNote is a free, open-source notes app for the web. It is a demo project only, and does not integrate with any database or cloud. Your notes are saved in local storage and will not be permanently persisted, but are available for download. No database – notes are only stored in the browser’s local storage and are available for download and export to you alone

↓ 11 – CherryTree [ Discontinued ] | Open Source | Windows | Linux

Evernote 7.14

Cherrytree is a free and open source, hierarchical, note-taking application. It can store text, images, files, links, tables, and executable snippets of code, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file. CherryTree is an option you should seriously consider because it lets you organize notes in a smart and logical way. Don’t get deceived by its seemingly simple interface – CherryTree has so many features that I could write a book about it.

↓ 12 – Elephant [ Discontinued ] | Open Source | Windows | macOS | Linux

Evernote 7.11

Elephant is a notetaker with a classic interface you already know. Keep your notes to yourself. No accounts or clouds. For syncing use Dropbox, Github, rsync. No feature bloat or redesigns, ever. Elephant stores notes in plain files and folders. No databases and no migration. Cross-platform for Mac, Windows and Linux. Built for longevity with a classic interface. New versions will never offer weird functionality. There will never be a chat feature and it will never show stuff from Financial Times.

  • Keep your notes to yourself. No accounts or clouds. For syncing use Dropbox, Github, rsync, …
  • Elephant stores notes in plain files and folders. No databases and no migrations. Notes can be plain text, styled rtf, markdown or html (html is read-only).
  • Cross-platform for Mac, Windows and Linux.
  • Built for longevity with a classic interface. New versions will never offer weird functionality.
  • Premium is free, no ads of any kind.
  • No feature bloat or redesigns.
  • No privacy policy weirdness!

Evernote Download Windows 7

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